When walking, The Butler Gallery, 2017
June 24 – July 30, 2017
The Butler Gallery is delighted to present an exhibition of new gouaches and paintings by Eithne Jordan, one of Ireland’s leading painters.
These works have been made during Jordan’s one-year residency at the Tony O’Malley Studio in Callan, County Kilkenny. Armed with a camera and intrepid walking legs, Jordan has captured and recorded what she encounters on her frequent walks about Callan and the surrounding countryside in Kilkenny. Jordan was particularly struck by the vernacular architecture, both the unusual and the unremarkable, encountered throughout the countryside. Multiple snapshots taken are carefully studied back in the studio, where tough decisions have to be made as to which image to dedicate to painting.
Tony O’Malley’s early works captured the essence of his beloved Kilkenny. Eithne Jordan has taken her own path with this subject matter and tenderly responded in her inimitable way, distinguished by her particular eye and life experience.